Towards mental balance and personal growth: Explore our expertise in clinical psychology and psychotherapy
Child psychotherapy is a form of therapy that specifically targets children and adolescents. Children may have emotional and behavioral difficulties similar to adults, but they may find it difficult to express their feelings or understand what is going on inside them.
Being trained as a Clinical Psychologist, to communicate effectively with children, provide them with emotional support, help them understand their feelings and develop skills to deal with their problems.
There are different types of child psychotherapy, depending on the type of problem the child is having. Here are some of the common approaches:
There cognitive behavioral therapy (CCT)
There play therapy :
There family therapy :
art therapy:

Each person, at one time or another in their life, depending on events and their history, may encounter difficulties on a personal, marital, family, social or professional.
Therapeutic follow-up aims to help people struggling with various problems and to make personal changes that will improve their well-being.
In general, anything that hinders our sense of well-being, our autonomy, anything that causes suffering in itself, can be reason enough to come and consult a psychologist in order to put words to your sadness and suffering in a neutral space. and benevolent, reflect on what generates this suffering, make sense of events, feelings, bits of history.
It can be depression, stress, burnout, relationship difficulties, separation, bereavement... The therapist's mission is to understand the temporary difficulties or the repetitive difficulties that you encounter, the difficulty in managing your emotions and what drives you. This accompaniment aims to implement the strengths that are within you to give you the means to overcome these trials and find a real balance in your personal or professional life.
The couple sometimes experiences hazards that put them in danger: regular conflicts, infidelity, lack of communication, decrease in desire. It may be time to start therapy to take stock. Two professionals advise and explain what it consists of.
Therapy is a way to learn to see your partner from another perspective, no matter how long the relationship lasts. Couples therapy focuses on the bond that unites two people. If this link is abused, we will try to understand how it was set up and what no longer works today. It makes it possible to re-engage in dialogue and to listen to each other better. Gradually, it helps to better exteriorize his buried needs and to be more attentive to the intimate expectations of his partner.
It is advisable to consult as soon as one feels bad, that there begins to be misunderstandings, tightness, suffering. The sooner the better to succeed in relaunching the dynamics of the couple.
On the other hand, therapies are not recommended in cases of domestic violence. The violent person needs individual follow-up. I would say this is the only case where the therapy is definitely ineffective, and where it may even make things worse. In cases of extramarital relationship, there is a need for a particular approach beforehand.

Teenagers are often caught in the crossfire: on the one hand, they try to fit in with their peers, follow the rules at home or at school, and make their own decisions; on the other hand, things can get stressful when so many factors come into play: hormones, schoolwork, time needed for sports or other extra-curricular activities, family obligations, household chores, video games, cigarettes, drugs or alcohol, social media pressure, self-esteem or body image issues, and just doing what they want (or not doing what they want). they do not want).
Adolescence is a time of seeking independence, testing boundaries and boundaries, intense and confusing emotions, rules that don't seem fair, and more. It can be difficult!
Adolescence is an increasingly questioned period in our society. The body of the adolescent changes to become an adult and this transformation forces him to keep a bearable physical distance from his parents, at the risk of feeling embarrassment or disgust.
Teen therapy can help them have a safe space to explore difficult or embarrassing topics in a warm, confidential environment, with an adult who can help them keep their interests in mind. Working with parents and other loved ones is always encouraged when it increases harmony in the home or helps the adolescent pursue therapy goals.